Dear President Obama, Mrs. Clinton, and Mr. Trump,
It has become painfully obvious that the three of you are far more concerned with politically capitalizing on tragic events than you are with offering sympathy to the families and loved ones of victims. Your ability to rush into a situation filled with pain and suffering and use it to further a political agenda is, to put it mildly, nothing short of astounding.
So, on behalf of huge swaths of our population in the United States, I would like to make a request…
Please stop.
On behalf of we Americans who understand the concept of common decency in a time of mourning, I ask…
Please stop.
And on behalf of the (admittedly small) portion of us in America today who understand the concept of “rights” and how that’s supposed to work in relation to government…
Please, for the love of God, stop.
Tragedies are not a time to rush forward with legislative proposals or executive orders; nor are they the time to make outlandish claims about how “we” caused something to happen rather than addressing real problems.
It is also wholly inappropriate to use moments such as these to gain traction for an already-held agenda. At the level you operate, your idea of how situations like the one in Orlando do not manifest out of thin air—they were already developed and ready to have that good ol’ fashioned confirmation bias push it forward into the spotlight.
That is both disgraceful and woefully ignorant.
We deserve better.
The people who go to work every day, busting their ass to feed their family, put a roof over their heads, and maybe have a little fun on the weekends deserve better than leadership who capitalize on despicable acts by using them to gain traction for gaining more power over people who don’t in any way benefit from your meddling.
The country deserves better than to have politicians who turn a time of grief into political opportunity, regardless of whether they have an R or a D after their name.
To put it bluntly, the American people deserve better than…you.
So, on behalf of Americans everywhere who are tired of seeing their rights erode so power-hungry elites can further their careers and legacy; Americans who want to go to work, do their job, and have the freedoms that should inherently be theirs; and the Americans who know that “more government”—in any aspect of our lives right now—is not the solution, I ask again…
Please stop.
RU Twisted
Unapologetically American
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