By Greg Drobny
A very short but warranted Unapologetically American “high five” goes out to two men in Shawnee, Kansas for doing what sheepdogs do when two worthless wastes of oxygen attacked a woman from behind as she was putting her baby in a car seat (real brave, guys).
As the woman screamed for help, two bystanders ran to help. One of her attackers pulled a gun and killed everyone in a five block ra…
Oh, sorry–that’s not what happened at all. You know why? Because one of the people who ran to help her had a gun of their own and killed her attacker while the other Good Samaritan shielded her from harm, taking a gun shot instead of her (he lived).
Good Guy With Gun Stops Potentially Fatal Assault on Woman and Child.
See also: headline you will never read on MSNBC, Huffington Post, or a dozen other big-name news sites.
This story is a perfect example of what we at Ranger Up and Unapologetically American talk about so often. We believe in training hard to protect those who cannot protect themselves and that people should have the freedom to do exactly that.
And we believe in shining a light on Americans doing what Americans have always done: kicking the crap out of people who attempt to inflict harm on helpless people.
So to you two heroes in Shawnee, Kansas–we salute you. First round (or twelve) is on me.